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Welcome to Arbibo
Art Relief: Breath In - Breath Out

Welcome to Arbibo, a realm where acrylic paintings transcend the canvas.


Arbibo embodies the essence of what Lydia's art offers: a release, a moment to pause and connect with your emotions through a multisensory art experience.

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Meet Lydia, the artist who breathes life into vibrant acrylics, weaving them into multisensory experiences.  Each piece is more than paint on a wall – it's a portal to a world of emotions, ignited by motion, music, and poetry.


Through Arbibo, Lydia collaborates with artists, organisations, and the community to make installations, story-telling artworks, host workshops, create commissioned artworks, and join forces to make a positive impact on the world.

The Process

Each artwork is infused with a unique multisensory experience, specifically designed to evoke the emotions behind the piece.


1# The Artist Makes the Piece

Lydia creates unique abstract paintings using non-toxic acrylics and captivating pouring techniques.  Each piece is a story waiting to be told, with colours meticulously chosen to evoke the emotions and themes at its heart.

2# Motion, Music, Poetry, Aroma and AR 

Lydia transforms her art into a multisensory experience, weaving in evocative poems, captivating motion elements, immersive AR, and subtle aromas that awaken the senses and amplify the emotions behind the piece.

Natural Beauty

What Multisensory Art Does To You

Engaging in multisensory art practice, creation, and observation can offer a multitude of advantages for both creativity and wellbeing.

  • Boosts creativity: Engaging in multisensory art activates different areas of the brain, which can stimulate creativity and enhance problem-solving abilities. This type of art involves using different senses like sight, touch, sound, and smell to create a unique sensory experience that can inspire new and creative ideas.


  • Enhances relaxation and stress relief: Multisensory art can help individuals relax and reduce stress levels by providing a calming and soothing sensory experience. This type of art can also help improve mood, increase self-esteem, and reduce anxiety.


  • Improves cognitive function: The different sensory inputs involved in multisensory art can help improve cognitive function and increase brain activity. This can improve memory, attention, and concentration.


  • Provides a therapeutic outlet: Multisensory art can be a therapeutic outlet for individuals dealing with emotional or psychological issues. This type of art can help individuals express themselves, process emotions, and cope with stress or trauma.


  • Promotes self-discovery and self-expression: Multisensory art can assist individuals in exploring their inner world and expressing themselves in unique and creative ways. This form of art can serve as a tool for self-discovery, self-reflection, and personal growth. This is particularly beneficial for individuals facing communication limitations.


Art for Wellness & Inspiration

Buy or design your own multisensory art experience and discover the transformative power of sensory art!

The world is a symphony of sights, sounds, and emotions. Multisensory art invites you to explore this symphony in a whole new way. Lydia elevates the experience, orchestrating a journey that transcends the canvas and transforms the way you connect with art, creativity, and yourself.


Paul Horrell (Musician, composer, and creative mind)


Thanks for contacting Arbibo!

I will get back to you as soon as we can :-)

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